Hey Folks, in this tutorial we are going to talk about the SearchSploit tool. This tool is specially designed for CTF players, where they can easily find the exploits with the command line.


Searchsploit is a (CLI) tool for find the exploits, which also allows you to bring a copy of Exploit-DB with you. SearchSploit provides you with the ability to perform detailed offline searches in locally saved repositories. Many vulnerabilities contain links to binary files that are not included in the standard repository but can be found in our Exploit-DB binaries.

Lets do it 🙂 !!

Installations and Updates

If you doesn’t have this tool you can download it by using the following command.

After installation is complete we can execute it from any location of our terminal.

If your tool is out dated then you can use “-u” option which will automatically update your tool.

Basic search

We can just type in anything we want to see and it will give us all the results that will be related to that word.

Lets take another example and try to find wordpress all vulnerable plugins.

Find Exploits

We can use the following command to get all the exploits.


In this attempts we will try to find the exploit with CVE number.

Exploit-DB Online

If we want to get more information about the exploits then we have to go on google to find them but by using this command we can find the exploits links directly.

Exclude – Removing Unwanted Results

Exclude function is used to remove some unwanted results.

Copy To Directory

By using “-m” option we can copy the exploit in your current working directory.

Nmap result – Find Vulnerability

Let’s figure out this feature. Now we will save our nmap results in xml format.

Lets check the results.

It will checks all results in nmap XML output and try to find the related exploit.

Similarly ! we can get better results by adding filters to our results.

About the Author
Shubham Goyal Certified Ethical Hacker, information security analyst, penetration tester and researcher. Can be Contact on Linkedin.

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