Hey Folks, in this tutorial we will tell you interesting tricks that you can use for listen to the communication of your enemies and friends anonymously.
Sayhello – thelinuxchoice
Sayhello is an open source tool, hosted on the github page. This tool becomes a link and when victim clicks on this link it asks permission from victim and if victim allows voice to be recorded it sends the recorded voice to the attacker.
Kali Linux or Termux = Attacker
Android Phone or IOS = ( Victim )
Lets take a look 🙂 !!
First we need to download this tool from the github page by using following command.
1 | git clone https://github.com/deepakverma91123/sayhellodeepak.git |
Now we can start this tool after going into the directory .
1 2 | cd sayhellodeepak bash sayhello.sh |

Here you can choose the option according to your needs but in our case we will choose the second option.

When victim click on this link it will ask the allow or deny permission.

If the victim clicks on the permission, recording will begin on victim’s smartphone, even he would not be aware of it.

Thats it ! here you can see that the audio has started receiving.

You can see that all audio files in this directory by execute the list command.

Now we can listen the all communication by click on audio file.

HaPpy HaCkInG 🙂 !!

A keen learner and passionate IT student. He has done Web designing, CCNA, RedHat, Ethical hacking, Network & web penetration testing. Currently, he is completing his graduation and learning about Red teaming, CTF challenges & Blue teaming.
Github link is not working give another one
I can understand the author has delete the github project so i will try to find next.